Paper People Services
We offer various services, from contract converting of other customers' paper, handling of damaged rolls to make them usable, dealing with damaged, wet, crushed cores, out of round, and transitional tons. We can re-work your damaged rolls and make them more valuable. We have the ability to Kraft wrap rolls and provide caps and headers.
We can provide extra labor to repack or restack various mill product.
Paper People also offers warehousing of role stock and baled wastepaper, with computerized inventory tracking, monthly storage, cross dock trans-loading and trucking of material. Inspection service included also.
Paper People brokers roll stock and waste paper. We have relationships on the West Coast, Far East, Australia and New Zealand. If you have a need, or are looking to market your surplus, please consider giving Paper People your business.
Services List

Paper People offer a wide variety of recycling services. Learn how we can save you money today!
Click Here for information on Recycling»

Warehousing is currently available.
Contact Us for more Information»

Local Delivery
Paper People is conveniently located to serve the Portland / Vancouver area and ships to customers in 5 western states and Canada.
Find our easy to locate warehouse»
Equipment and Capabilities

Paper People can offer a wide variety of services due to the capabilities of our equipment..
Click Here for information on our Equipment and Capabilities»
Contact Paper People
Address : 2503 SE Hidden Way Suite 105
Vancouver WA 98681
Hours : Mon-Fri 8:00AM to 4:30PM
Office : 360.695.2092
Fax : 360.695.3188
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